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Emilia-Romagna | Wine region Emilia-Romagna | Wine region

Emilia-Romagna | Wine region

For the Romagnoli it is the everyday wine, drunk already at noon with the tasty food of the area. Its extensive production area is the hills south of the Strada del Sole. Especially in the wider surroundings of the towns of Faenza and Forli, the Sangiovese grape variety produces its best results. This is the home of the leading winemakers, whose wines have profile and a well-drawn varietal character. A second wine close to the heart of the Romagnoli is the white wine Albana di Romagna, less known in Germany. Albana is an indigenous grape variety grown exclusively in Romagna. Climatically, Emilia-Romagna belongs to the warm temperate climate zone. The transitional seasons are mostly warm and sunny, and in summer temperatures can rise to 38 °C. However, the region has relatively cool winters by Italian standards. Between November and February, light frosts are more frequent. - Gerardo [TS07/22]

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Emilia-Romagna | Wine region | Buy at Gerardo