Das italienische Weindepot

Story: Annual Review 2022 | New

Dear customers and friends of our company,
2022 was a turbulent and eventful year for all of us. For me reason enough to give you a review of the year and a small preview of the coming year. Read everything about the Italian wine depot in the following:

Review of the Year 2022

· Gerardo: The death of my father Gerardo (the founder and previous owner of the Italian wine depot) in August 2021, represented a caesura for me. Many of my customers were also visibly shocked by his passing, which was also shown by the many letters and conversations. Even though I have always seen crises as opportunities throughout my life, I can't help but mention what a bitter break Gerardo's death means for me.

· Portfolio: Numerous new wineries and wines have found their way into our portfolio. These new additions included mainly producers which I have known and trusted for a long time. Among them, four new wineries from Sicily and four wineries from Tuscany, which I consider essential for any well-stocked wine shop.

· Warehouse sale: There were also numerous innovations in our warehouse in Huglfing (Bavaria): Starting with renovation work, the new division of the sales area and our new price tags (with photo and descriptive text) to the optimization of the stock.

· Shop-Software: I completed and rounded off our online store software last year. The design also received the finishing touches to ensure a consistently professional appearance and make the shopping experience as pleasant as possible.

Annual preview 2023

· Anniversary: The Italian wine depot celebrates its 45th anniversary in 2023. More about this at a later date (a separate article and a promotion in the store and retail store will follow).

· New Arrivals: At this point in time, no less than five new wineries are planned in the Weindepot portfolio, more details on this in the course of the year. Needless to say, the focus remains on Italian quality wine!

· 24/7 Pick-up box: From spring 2023, there will be a secure pick-up box on site which will allow our customers to pick up pre-ordered goods outside our opening hours. With this we complement our service offer and give the click-and-collect function a meaning even after the pandemic!

· Opening Hours: Our opening hours will remain unchanged (Mon-Fri 9am-2pm as well as Saturdays 9am-1pm) as these have worked well for our specialty store. There will still be no tasting in the wine depot, as our focus is on mail order as well as stock sales.

· Days Off: As announced last year, we will have a day off once a month, preferably on Monday. This will be communicated 1-2 weeks in advance in the online store and on a notice board on site. The mail order business is unaffected and will continue as usual.

· Price development: The price developments of recent months have kept us all on tenterhooks. I endeavor to pass on price increases to my customers only if this is not possible in any other way. However, price increases in the coming year are unavoidable due to increased purchase prices.

· Shop-Software: Our online store software is almost completed after 20 years of development. For the future some comfort functions are still planned to round off the shopping experience. Our photographer is working on rephotographing the entire portfolio, so that finally every bottle and every gift set gets a professional product photo.

So much for my personal review and preview around the Italian wine depot. It only remains for me to wish you a Happy New Year 2023! - Tobias

Jahresschau 2022 Neues

NameAnnual Review 2022