Das italienische Weindepot
The Technology behind gerardo.de | Tech

The Technology behind gerardo.de | Tech

Dear customers and readers,
at this point of our blog you will find a collection of articles which deals with the technical aspect of our website. This may be neither interesting nor necessary from a wine drinker and wine merchant point of view, but our website is a proprietary development which I have been maintaining and expanding for 20 years now.

Our website, the design and the associated technology are tailor-made and were developed and designed 'from scratch' by my father and me. In the process, my father Gerhard Strunz contributed an enormous amount of text modules, articles and comments. The entire technical and design part, on the other hand, was implemented piece by piece by myself, Tobias Strunz (a trained IT specialist) in years of work. For the legal texts and product photos we are supported externally.

The online store is very individually structured - just like the Wine world of Italy. At the same time, our website complies with all legal, technical and data protection regulations. In the following, I would like to take a closer look at the individual sections of our online store, also to explain our individuality and why we consistently do some things differently. - Tobias

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