Das italienische Weindepot

Blog: Campania | Wine region

At the back of the volcanic formations of Vesuvius and the Campi Flegrei, which embellish the panorama of the Gulf of Naples, stretches the Campanian lowlands. The Neapolitan hinterland is formed by the Benevento basin, a mountainous area dating back to the Tertiary period. Despite the very varied soil, agriculture is very developed throughout the region.

The plains are particularly fertile with intensive cultivation of fruits, vegetables, tropical fruits, grapes and cereals. Vineyards are everywhere, starting from the islands of Capri and Ischia. The cultivation of vines and the pressing techniques were brought to Campania by the Greeks. The result was a wine production of considerable quality, thanks mainly to the mild climate, very uniform throughout the year, and the volcanic soil. From this region come the rich red Taurasi DOCG and the fine white wines Greco di Tufo and Fiano di Avellino DOC.

Campania - the ''Campania felix'' of the ancient Romans, Bachantean soil, home to a people who have the admirable strength to endure everything heavy singing. See Naples and then - live, live already for the sake of the splendid fiery wines that ripen on this volcanic earth. Is it probably thanks to them that even the guest here becomes more cheerful than in other latitudes? And this has always been the case, since the ancient Romans, who valued the Falernian wine more than any other drop. Horace praised it as strong, bold and fiery, and Marzial even attributed immortality to it. And then the wines of Ischia, the white or the red, the Capri or the legendary Lacrima Christi! And then the splendid Neapolitan spaghetti, about which a poet of the last century wrote that the good Lord had given them the quality of being a whole in every way. Or the multitude of pizzas that are said to shine for the gourmet even in the late hours of the night like the sun during the day! - Gerardo

"We will be careful not to contradict either Plinious or Titus Livius. Nevertheless, we maintain stiffly that the present of Campanian wine is no less fascinating than the past described by the Roman historians. In their writings, the ancient intellectuals tell of Greek colonies and emperors, of legendary hawkers and vines that reached Italy by sea. We will only tell you about Campania's transformation into one of the most varied and stimulating wine-growing regions. It is precisely its diversity that fascinates: the rare wealth of grapes, the variety of zones and subzones that differ profoundly from one another in their soils and growths, and the armada of wineries, both large and small, each with its own unique history, winemaking strategy and stylistic identity. Certainly, Campania is not free of contradictions and in some respects is not yet up to date. On the other hand, it offers space to tankers with several million bottles as well as to small grape producers and traditional houses steeped in history, as well as to several dozen newcomers who try their luck every year. In such a panorama, it is becoming increasingly difficult, but also increasingly interesting, for us to filter out the best." - Gambero Rosso

Kampanien Weinregion

CategoryWine Region
Vineyard Area (Hectare)41.000
Grape VarietiesAglianico, Sangiovese, Casavecchia, Greco, Fiano, Malvasia, Falanghina

Shop: Campania
Ischia Biancolella DOC 2022, Casa D'Ambra, Kampanien

Ischia Biancolella DOC 2022, Casa D'Ambra

Casa D'Ambra, Campania
€ 14,50 jetzt € 13,50
18,00 €/L
Vigna dei Mille Anni Ischia Per' e Palummo DOC 2016, Casa D'Ambra, Kampanien

Vigna dei Mille Anni Ischia Per' e Palummo DOC 2016, Casa D'Ambra

Casa D'Ambra, Campania
€ 24,95 jetzt € 21,99
29,32 €/L
Aglianico Campania IGT 2020, Casa D'Ambra, Kampanien

Aglianico Campania IGT 2020, Casa D'Ambra

Casa D'Ambra, Campania
€ 7,95 jetzt € 7,49
10,60 €/L
Vigna dei Mille Anni Ischia Per' e Palummo DOC 2016 (3er Holzkiste), Casa D'Ambra, Kampanien

Vigna dei Mille Anni Ischia Per' e Palummo DOC 2016 (3er Holzkiste), Casa D'Ambra

Casa D'Ambra, Campania
€ 79,95
35,53 €/L