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Blog: Cusumano | Sicily

The brothers Diego and Alberto Cusumano run this flagship winery, which has the very best sites throughout Sicily. The vineyard property is distributed among the following five estates (tenute): Monte Pietroso, San Carlo, Ficuzza, Presti e Pregni and San Giacomo.Cusumano is among the leading wineries in Sicily, with Gambero Rosso affirming: 'The top-class representatives of the new Sicilian wine scene'.

New Sicilian wine scene because for some years now a modern, young generation of winemakers has awakened the island from its slumber. Cusumano is one of these dynamic wineries of the new generation: not yet represented in the wine guides in 2000, the Cusumano brothers were able to convince national and international wine critics with their top wines and the merits and awards were not long in coming.

From the Italian Sommelier Union, the top wines Sàgana and Noà have been rated several times with the highest award. Apart from this, wine lovers around the world love and appreciate the high quality of Cusumano wines, from the basic wine to the top growth. In the cellar, Alberto Cusumano is supported by Piedmont oenologist Mario Ronco, who also oversees Accornero in Piedmont, among others.

Sicily is a magical land that for some years now has been awakened from its slumber by modern winemakers. New wineries and ambitious winemakers are aggressively taking up the challenge of the market. Cusumano is one of these young, dynamic wineries of the new generation: in 2000, the brothers Alberto and Diego Cusumano were not yet represented in the wine guides, but in the meantime they have been able to win a total of 15 glasses for their wines at the Gambero Rosso glass awards alone. But that's not all: the Italian Sommelier Union awarded the highest scores to the top wines Sàgana and Noà. The Noà was even named the best red wine of 2003, and the English trade magazine Decanter named Cusumano Winery of the Year.

The latest stroke of genius that underpins the dynamism and progressiveness of the Cusumano brothers is the establishment of the Alta Mora estate on Mount Etna, including the construction of a new winery there itself. The wines produced there open another chapter in Italian wine history: Such a kind of fine, delicate and mineral white and red wine has never existed before from the boot. - Gerardo [TS01/23]

"Cusumano is one of the great wine houses of Sicily. The company, owned by Alberto and Diego Cusumano, cultivates estates from Salemi to Piana degli Albanesi and Butera to Pachino, and embodies island viticulture in its modern, dynamic form. This is reflected in the profile of the unique products that, despite all their technical flawlessness, do not deny their terroir and, on top of that, are available at civilian prices. The Cusumano brothers have clearly set their sights on the international market, whose laws and developments they know how to read with virtuosity - and sometimes even anticipate." - Gambero Rosso

Cusumano Sizilien © www.cusumano.it

Founding Year1972
OwnerDiego & Alberto Cusumano
OenologistAlberto Cusumano & Mario Ronco
Annual Production (Btls)3.000.000
Vineyard Area (Hectare)502
Additional PurchaseNo

Shop: Cusumano
´Sàgana´ · Sicilia DOC 2017, Cusumano, Sizilien

Sàgana · Sicilia DOC 2017, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 27,50
36,67 €/L
´Alta Mora´ · Etna Rosato DOC 2022, Cusumano, Sizilien

Alta Mora · Etna Rosato DOC 2022, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 17,50 jetzt € 16,99
22,65 €/L
´Alta Mora Guardiola´ · Etna Rosso DOC 2015, Cusumano, Sizilien

Alta Mora Guardiola · Etna Rosso DOC 2015, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 32,95
43,93 €/L
´Alta Mora´ · Etna Bianco DOC 2022, Cusumano, Sizilien

Alta Mora · Etna Bianco DOC 2022, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 17,50
23,33 €/L
´Angimbé´ · Terre Sicliane IGT 2023, Cusumano, Sizilien

Angimbé · Terre Sicliane IGT 2023, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 9,95
13,27 €/L
´Alta Mora Guardiola´ · Etna Rosso DOC 2016, Cusumano, Sizilien

Alta Mora Guardiola · Etna Rosso DOC 2016, Cusumano

Cusumano, Sicily
€ 32,95
43,93 €/L